Have Ewe Any Wool?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

That "Darn" Sock!

Whew...last night, I darned all 4 of mom's bed socks to fix the gaping holes in them. I've never darned a sock before, but I had some fabulous instructions from a Danish woman I met at the American Folklife Festival 2 years ago. Although neither of us had a sock or knitting with us, she gave me a fabulous description of "how to darn a sock" as well as a wonderful story about how she learned to darn. It worked!

Here's the interesting bit. Neither my mom nor I had any idea where the darning egg was hiding. We know there's one somewhere in the house, but since neither of us had ever darned a sock, we had no conscious memory of where it could be. Necessity truly IS the mother of invention. I found the perfect tool for the project - a soup ladle! The handle went up through the leg of the sock and the bowl of the ladle fit snuggly in the heel. It was the perfect tool for the project!

All 4 of mom's socks are fixed and and she's thrilled to death! She would only let me purchase one color of yarn. As a result, the darning is VERY visible on the pink socks but blends in well on the second one. When she puts the socks on, you can't even see where they're darned. The first of the pink socks didn't darn as neatly as the second - I had the cross-threads a bit too loose and it looks a bit "sloppy". On all 4 bed socks, I went back and wove a bit of a second layer as well to give it more density. Mom was absolutely thrilled! She "tried out" each sock as soon as I was finished and by the end of the evening, she was jumping with joy! She's now got three pairs of bed socks!

I did some fun stuff yesterday as well (darning is NOT fun...just a "necessary evil"). One of the best parts about coming to Illinois is going to a Drive-in Root beer stand. There's nothing better on a hot day than a root beer float in a frosty mug!

Check out the menu board and the button to call the server for ordering. When you're done, you just flip the switch to let them know that you're done. It's so much fun! Mom and dad said they haven't done this for a long time, so they really enjoyed it. Mom even reminisced about the high school days and double dates to the drive-in.

Mmmm! Root beer floats!


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