Have Ewe Any Wool?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Shenandoah Fall Fiber Festival

What a perfect weekend!   Both days were absolutely fantastic!  We all had a lot of fun at our booth.   I demo’d both days for the guild.   On Saturday, I demo’d spinning….and on Sunday, I spent a bit of time weaving. We had lots of folks come through and try their hand at both spinning and weaving.   Again, just like at Bluemont, Deb had her inkle loom setup for the kids could weave bookmarks. 







I saw MANY of my buddies that I haven’t seen for a long time – Kathleen, Kelly, Elizabeth…..lots of friends from other guilds and lots of my friends from the Dulles knitting group.   I can definitely say that a fabulous time was had by all!

My purchases were quite varied this year.  I got some nalbinding needles from the Spanish Peacock, some awesome roving from several vendors….including my friend Kim - “The Sock Lady”.  Of COURSE I purchased some roving AND yarn from my friend Kate of Roclans. Oh…I found some fabulous natural dyes and tons of undyed silk caps and cocoons as well.  



My friend Keith was selling lots of her naturally dyed yarn.  Her demo is one of my favorites at the festival.




keith2Her focus was on natural dyeing.   She puts many of the “natural items” in old stockings so the little bits of seed pods, etc. don’t get into the yarn she’s dyeing.   Below, she has some walnuts in the stocking that’s in the pot on the left and some sumac in the stockings on the right….waiting for their chance to be submerged into a dye pot.









Check out all the lovely skeins she’s dyed.   I just love seeing all the freshly dyed skeins lined up and on display – it’s just beautiful.










Over half way through day 2 of the festival  and Keith was still smiling….probably laughing because of the funny pose Sue insisted on for this photo!!!



shenandoah_fingerless_gloves Just before the festival, I finished some fingerless gloves that I’d designed using some beaded and non-beaded yarn…as well as a bit of black and silver glitz around the edges.   I got to show them off for a short time at the festival as they were being mailed out early the next week to my swap partner.   (I hope she likes them!!!!)

My favorite part of the whole day was when a very enthusiastic young man that I’d taught to weave earlier in the day came running up to me and stopped with a huge grin on his face.   I asked if this means he’s bought a loom, and he said, “No….not yet.   We’re going home now and I just wanted to thank you for teaching me how to weave.   I had a lot of fun”.   I totally melted into a puddle at those words.  The pure joy on that young man’s face was priceless!  This is WHY I love working at these festivals….sharing knowledge and introducing a whole new generation of budding young fiberists to the wonderful world of wool, spinning, knitting, and weaving. 

Sadly, the weekend is now over and we all have to return to our “normal” lives……



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