Have Ewe Any Wool?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Norwegian Christmas Bazaar

Once again, I helped out at the Norwegian Christmas Bazaar. It always helps me get into the holiday spirit...and I love all the festive Norwegian goodies, sweaters, and gift ware.

Many of the folks wore their bunads - oh, how I wish I had one of my own! They look so beautiful! My friend, Melanie, and the lady from the NY Norwegian Church, graciously posed for me.

Once again, I saw a little Norwegian cutie. This guy is wearing the sweater and matching hat that his dear grandma hand knit for him. How cool is that? I think it's adorable! What a lucky little guy.

One of my personal favorites at the bazaar is the lovely Rosemaling that Christina (right) always has on display. She's an extremely gifted rosemaler and is well know for her beautiful work. I feel very fortunate to know her...and to have the opportunity to purchase some of her gorgeous pieces!

The photo on the left shows all the steps that go into completing a plate - I love how she's divided it up into the 12 steps so the process can be viewed "as is". This process produces the lovely items you see here.

I love all the gnomes and little Nordic trolls that the Norwegian Church had for sale. And of course, all the Norwegian goodies - including the incredible jams!

Of course, no Norwegian event is complete without eating something...like the heart waffles - one of my favorites - complete with raspberry jam from Norway. Ellen (left) is very busy as on of the "waffle chefs".

Oh....and then there are the Norwegian sweaters that I absolutely LOVE! I'm getting another one for Christmas this year! Wahoo! It's a blue and white one - I can't wait! DH is SUCH a sweetie!

I definitely need to get busy and knit up a pair of Norwegian mittens to go along with my sweater. I'm leaning toward Beth Brown-Reinsel's pattern, Norwegian Mittens. I think they'd be a beautiful addition to my sweaters. Or perhaps I should go for a solid colored Twined Mittens (though, those tend to be Swedish rather than Norwegian).


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