Have Ewe Any Wool?

Monday, December 05, 2011

The Annual Norwegian Bazaar

This past weekend was the annual Norwegian Bazaar. I brought my knitting with me so I could work on my socks during the "down time". But there was no down time! It was so busy! Thankfully, I managed to photo most of the booths BEFORE the doors opened! ( I missed many of the booths...too many people and no time for photos!)

There were all kinds of Norwegian wares for sale. I'm especially fond of the Yule Nisse and the trolls.

And of course, lots of home made Norwegian goodies...including "made to order" waffles and Krumkake!

My favorite T-Shirts this year were a "slam" on Columbus...and a "Viking World Tour". (I ordered one of the World Tour T-Shirts - It was so popular that most sizes sold out!)

I love the traditional Bunads worn by several of the assistants at the Bazaar. (Check out the gorgeous tiered cake, the Kransekake, on the left!)

Finally, no Sons of Norway function would be complete without a visit with a Lindehund...a Norwegian dog.


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