Have Ewe Any Wool?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Another Loom!

The program on the Norwegian Tapestry weaving at the Sons of Norway meeting a couple of weeks ago truly inspired me. When I found a used tapestry loom for sale on one of the fiber boards, I jumped at the chance to get it. Now, I can't wait to try out the methods in the book (Norwegian Tapestry Weaving) and start a tapestry! (Photo later...after I've unpacked all my goodies!)

The cool thing is that it will fold up and "stow away" in luggage very easily....so I'll never have to be without something to weave, even when I go on vacation! I think this will complete my loom collection for now. Once I really start weaving, I'll consider a larger loom (a floor loom), but first, I have to master the process and organize all my fiber goodies so I have a place to put one!

Oh....I've started picking up stitches around the front and neck of the Mr. Greenjeans sweater, so I'm really getting close to finishing it! The final tally will be just over a month to knit a sweater. I started it on March 8! The sweater was a very quick knit - easily done after work a couple of evening a week. I definitely didn't have time to work on it every day, yet I was able to make great progress. There was even a week where I was just too busy to work on it!

I'm also nearly finished with the second Colinette sock - I've finished turning the heel and am ready to pick up the gusset stitches. Then, it will be smooth sailing until the toe decreases! I really love the color - it's so bright and cheerful. I'm also quite pleased with the final way the colors pooled - I like the somewhat zig-zag design......and the fact that I only needed to cast on 56 stitches for the socks instead of my usual 64!


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