Have Ewe Any Wool?

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Norwegian Bazaar at Union Station

I spent the day today helping sell Norwegian wares at the annual "Sons of Norway" Norwegian Bazaar in Union Station in Washington, DC. I had an absolutely fabulous time! Lots of wonderful stuff was sold - to wear, to eat, and to decorate your home. It was also fabulous to chat with so many others of Norwegian descent....all in one place! All the station decorations and the wonderful Norwegian decorations and treats really put me in the mood for holidays.

The Norwegian Ambassador and the people of Norway typically setup a model train in Union Station for the holidays. I think it's fabulous....a model train in the train station itself! I just love it! Trains and train stations are just so full of great memories. When I was growing up, my Grandma used to take to train to NY to visit us - I really looked forward to that. The excitement of meeting the train and searching for the first glimpse of Grandma.... Another great memory is that of setting up dad's model train around the tree...or at least near the tree...on several of my Christmases. Ah....what wonderful holiday memories! (Sorry for the "glare" in the picture - the model is surrounded by lucite for its protection.)

The giant Christmas tree (32 ft. tall!) in the main hall is a gift from the people of Norway to the people of Washington, DC. The tree is decorated with strings of both the Norwegian flag and the US flag.

I also found something that causes me to spend money even faster than I do at the Sheep and Wool Festivals - Norwegian Sweaters! The temptation was overwhelming - I must purchase one (or more....) Norwegian sweaters....oh, my! They're so gorgeous....and there were so many to choose from....how can a girl pick "just one"???? (I didn't....I picked three!!!) The best part pf these sweaters is that they're already made - and I can wear them in THIS LIFETIME!!!!! I still plan to knit a Dale sweater, eventually. But for now, the pressure is off - I can enjoy my purchases...and take my time knitting my own version!

Here's some candid shots of the various booths we had at Union Station. It's a fabulous way to kick-start the holidays....and purchase some unique ornaments, table linens, and sweaters. And check out all the gorgeous Norwegian sweaters and dresses that everyone is wearing! You can't HELP but be in a festive mood!


  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger Anne said…

    we used to go every year when we lived in Takoma Park -- I really miss this event! Lucky you.


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