Have Ewe Any Wool?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Knitting Update and Seven Random Facts

Here's the promised photo of the progress on the beaded scarf. It's really starting to look like something! I just love how the beads fall on the edges. I can't wait to start the other half and put it together! I'll definitely have a fabulous scarf for next winter!

I haven't made much progress on my cotton/wool Sockotta socks....I am almost done with the first sock, though! I just need to buckle down and finish it. Perhaps that should be my goal before I head back home?

Random facts - some fun facts, some serious thoughts:
  1. I love cold "corn on the cob" as a snack - try it....you might like it too!
  2. I like to draw faces on fried eggs using Chinese Rooster sauce - I guess this means that I like to "play with my food!
  3. I'm basically a "hippie chick" at heart . Many of my friends say I remind them of a "flower child". People that don't even know me say the same or say that I strike them as very "down to earth" or an "earth mother" type of person.
  4. My second toe is longer than my big toe. All my life, people have been amused by this....which is odd because having a longer second toe is genetically dominant! (Although, some of the "traditional" interpretations of this trait are much more interesting - and some are just plain amusing....like this one: "The longer second toe is a indication that that person is a alien hybrid" - LOL!)
  5. I love a good cup of coffee.....and I get real cranky if it's weak. You can salvage strong coffee....just add water....but weak coffee is a total loss!
  6. I really try to make everyone happy - I just want everyone to get along, but sometimes, it just doesn't work out, and I have a very hard time accepting that. Life could be so wonderful if people just learned to embrace rather than criticize their differences!
  7. My favorite T-Shirt has a hole in it.....but I still wear it.....in public.....much to my mother's chagrin!
I've tagged the following bloggers: Yarn-Monkey, Terri, Abe & Happy, Ce, Lindsey, Sue, and Aimee
(Finding people to tag was REALLY tough....almost everyone I know has already been tagged!)

Wahoo! Another quiz (thanks Elizabeth!) Wow.....this is so true!

You are Ocean Blue

You're both warm and practical. You're very driven, but you're also very well rounded.
You tend to see both sides to every issue, and people consider you a natural diplomat.


  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger Kai said…

    Interesting stuff there!!
    For some reason I thought you'd already been tagged before.. *rolls eyes*

    I'm with you on the 'be happy' front.

    Oh and the scarf is looking lovely, lovely.

  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My second toe is longer than my big toe.

    ME TOO. I used to get teased about it all the time in swimming lessons when I was a kid.


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